My question is what is scarier; a zombie that can chase you down or the old style zombies that are dangerous only if confronted in a horde? I have heard these slow moving zombies being called shamblers. Shamblers are the kind from “The Walking Dead” they come at you slowly, they’re easy to kill and they’re only dangerous when there’s a ton of them or you’re cornered.
In my personal opinion the shamblers are scarier. You have that feeling of dread as they slowly come at you. The shear number of them makes it seem like one huge frightening continuous onslaught of biting mouths. It’s like a slow drip that eventually drowns you. I think it’s more terrifying to watch that slow drip build to a flood than having a river simply sweep you away. I love all zombie movies as long as they are well made, but I think the creepers, the ones who actually seem like dead people walking are the best. I just can’t get my head around the idea that dying could make you stronger or faster… After all you’re dead.
So what’s your opinion shamblers or runners?
Just some additional news... I have a new short story about to be published on Amazon. Hopefully everyone will like it. It's another horror story, but this one has a bit of a twist.