The first video is about the Taos Hum, this occurred in the 1990's. Citizens of Taos, New Mexico started to hear a low, monotonous humming. Researchers from many Universities descended on the town and recorded the sound. They were never able to identify the source of the hum. Some citizens said they could hear the sound, others said they had effects like rattling teeth, ringing ears etc. Others said they couldn't hear anything at all.
Theories have ranged from a government conspiracy, or residual effects from the H.A.R.P project or nuclear tests from Los Alamos. Other theories include natural phenomenon like the shifting of plates or underground eruptions. The sound has been measured as loud as 66 hertz and two octaves below middle C.
The second video that I would like to look at is a mysterious call to a radio program where a very disturbed guy claims to have been a worker at Area 51. The Megapods looked at this case in their Podcast segment called True or Poo? Here is the recording:
I like how this was done, it's a throwback to Orson Welles' brilliance in "War of the Worlds" I also like how the guy makes claims about the area 51 being a doorway to a different dimension. That is creative and something you don't hear in many of the Area 51 stories.
Horror Question of the Day: Do you believe in either of the above stories? What are your theories about the cause of the Taos Hum?
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