Ever since I was ten or eleven years old and watched the TV movie “The Day After” I’ve had a fascination with nuclear war. The movie scared the crap out of me and it always boggled my mind that these weapons could be out there simply waiting to be used. Four years ago I started writing a novel that turned out to be really crappy. I was 3/4’s of the way through it when I decided to scrap it. The book was about a strange virus. I learned a lot from the mistakes I made writing that book.
Two years ago I rewatched the “Day After” and I wondered what would happen if similar scenarios played out now. I’ve always tried to be a storyteller whether it was telling my kids bedtime stories or writing short stories. For two years I worked on the novel which became “Wormwood.” Here is the description:
“Nate has always feared the worst, but now the worst has become the reality. The Emergency Broadcast System blares it's tone and he flees to his hastily prepped shelter with his infatuation Jeannette Leach. Together they grieve and find love.
They emerge a month later to a devastated world where countless lives have already been lost. The few desperate survivors huddled in Middlebrook, Connecticut, finally receive a hopeful radio transmission from the National Guard.
Heartened by the news that Maine has supplies to spare, Middlebrook selects a few of its residents to retrieve the necessary items. But the road is long and treacherous, and bicycles are their only mode of transport.
While Nate Wilder and the other cyclists attempt to make it to Maine and back before winter strikes, the Middlebrook residents are left under the tenuous leadership of ultra-religious Simon Huff.
The dangers of the road are to be expected, but when even the fragile safety of home begins to look suspect, concerned citizen Jeannette Leach strives to uncover what is driving Simon’s strange behavior. Will Nate and the others return in time to save their hometown from more insidious catastrophe?
Touching on the effects of mental illness as well as the power of friendship, Wormwood takes a real-life approach to the post-apocalyptic thriller.”
The publication of the novel has taken a series of twists and turns. Originally I was going to traditionally publish. Then I decided that self-publishing was the best bet for a virtual unknown. As I prepared to self-publish the novel started to draw some attention from publishers and agents.
Recently I have signed with Jennifer Azantian of the Jennifer Azantian Literary Agency. I spoke with a couple of agents who had interest in the project, but Jennifer seemed to be the perfect fit. Her professionalism and passion for books and her specialization in sci-fi, horror and fantasy all appealed to me. So now I am moving forward officially agent-ed.
In other news: Episode 5 of the Megapods podcast is now up. Click Here to Listen We interview American bigfoot Society President, Melissa Hovey. The show has a lot of other hopefully humorous moments.
Horror Question of the Day: If you knew the nukes were coming and you had 30 minutes to find shelter where would you go?