My issue today is with many others out there who disparage this community. I have heard snide remarks about preppers and how they are the lunatic fringe. How they are all a bunch of gun-toting, anti-governments wingnuts. This blog post is an answer to those people.
Reasons why Preppers are a great resource for this country and other places they reside and why they deserve your respect.
1. Preppers are innovators, they come up with better and more efficient ways of completing mundane tasks. For example I saw a water purification system online that was designed by a Prepper. It used many ordinary household items like coffee filters, charcoal and even small stones. The filter was portable and could be attached to the top of a 2 liter soda bottle.
2. A lot of Survivalists and Preppers are hunters and fisherman. Now some animal rights people will say how awful that is while pulling on their leather shoes and using their animal tested shampoo. In reality Hunters and Fisherman do more for local wildlife than all the enviro groups combined. Fishing Licenses, Hunting Licenses and other permits add enormous amounts of money to needed state agencies that help manage and protect wildlife. Groups like the RFA and other fishing groups help keep shore access open and often will be the ones cleaning the beaches. Fisherman also help NOAA and NMFS keep track of fish stocks.
3. Most survivalists know basic first aid and keep medicines handy. This helps in everyday situations like car crashes or even when someone has an allergic reaction. People might think it's silly until a good Samaritan steps up and performs CPR or provides an Epi-pen while your throat closes. They also stockpile meds like insulin and antibiotics. Think about what will be in shortage in any catastrophe.
4. Preppers find new ways to grow their own food. A Facebook friend of mine has a hydroponic garden in his den (and no he isn't growing pot). He supplies his kitchen with herbs and fresh vegetables throughout the year.
5. Preppers and survivalists are good for the environment in other ways, like using alternative forms of fuels. Not only do a lot harvest downed trees for firewood, but a few even use left-over cooking oil and convert it to Bio-Diesel.
6. Stockpiling food also helps in local catastrophe's. Think about Hurricane Katrina, the Tornado's in the Heartland and Super Storm Sandy. There were some people who were able to ride out these tragedies. This not only helped because it allowed first responder's to get to people like the elderly, it helped by keeping government accessible to others.
7. If you're not a Survivalist or Prepper and the shit does hit the fan where will you run? probably to the nearest neighbor that is a Prepper.
8. Preppers and Survivalists are always learning, they stay up to date on world news, they talk to one another and they read up on everything from treating a snake bite to building a fallout shelter.
9. They teach their kids. Preppers and Survivalists teach their kids to respect nature, to know how incredible it is and how unforgiving it can be. Want your kids to get off the Xbox? Teach them to set up a tent or to build a shelter in the woods. Take them for a walk along the beach or show them how to bait a hook.
So the next time you watch a show like "Doomsday Preppers" or see a Survivalist site on the web, try and remember these people don't want the end to come. They don't necessarily think it's happening soon.... But they do think it COULD happen and isn't it better to look strange to some people now than to starve to death?