There have been some reports lately of Chupacabra’s being shot or sightings of them in the southwest. Every picture I’ve seen of these so-called mythical creatures has been a bald Coyote. The real Chupacabra is a popular Cryptozoological nightmare originating in Latin America. It’s supposed to have glowing red eyes, enormous fangs, claws and its supposed to suck the blood of livestock.
These poor bald Coyotes don’t really resemble that. I think they’re just mangy Coyotes. So I would say leave these hairless, sorry looking animals alone. They already have enough problems.
I also want to discuss the overall subject of Cryptozoology and why I think it appeals to so many people. I love Cryptozoology because it always seems to be about the prospect of real-life monsters. As a writer of Sci-Fi and Horror fiction I like to believe that these strange creatures are out there some place. I think that Crypto is popular for the same reason, people want to believe that everything hasn’t been discovered yet. That there are still things out there that we don’t know everything about.
This coming episode of The Megapods features Dru Viergever who talks about what it was like to work with Laurence Fishburne and Bill Paxton in "The Colony" and how cool it was to be directed by George Romero in "Survival of the Dead" you don't want to miss it!
Horror Question of the Day: Do you believe in ghosts? and if you do, do you think they're here to hurt us with their ghostly ways?
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