Yes that’s a lot of alliteration. It’s obviously “M” day in the A to Z challenge and today I want to talk about how the score in a horror movie can make or break the mood of the movie. I am using the term “soundtrack” here to cover the score -- I know they are technically different.
The score is so important to setting the atmosphere and even creating the scares in a horror film. Think about the tension created in The Omen. Or the epic feeling of despair in 28 Days Later. Some of these movies just wouldn’t be the same without the incredible orchestration. It heightens your senses, builds the tension and commits you emotionally to the scene.
On the opposite side of the equation a movie could absolutely be ruined if the score sucks. For example Interview with a Vampire, the score in that movie is atrocious. Some movies originally had bad soundtracks like the original Terminator, but came back with a superb score for the sequel.
Movies scores and soundtracks can also become iconic for example; the piano part from Halloween has become synonymous with Michael Myers. The “Chh Chh Chh, HHuHH, HHuHH, HHuH” means that Jason is coming in the Friday the 13th movies. Now I don’t remember any Freddy Krueger music besides “one, two Freddy’s after you, three, four, better lock the door.” shouldn’t Freddy have some kind of entrance music?
Horror Question of the Day: What is your favorite horror movie score/soundtrack? Likewise what good movie was ruined by the score/soundtrack?
The Megapods episode 3 is up, we interviewed The Travel Channel’s Jeff Belanger who gave us all of the behind the scenes info on his show “Ghost Adventures” if you’ve ever wondered what a real paranormal investigator deals with you’ll find out by listening. Just go to and click on the podcast.
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