Thursday I received a call that my son got into “serious trouble” at recess. The principal told be that he and some friends were playing and my son had a stick and said “Bang, Bang”. Now I understand that schools have to be super-vigilant in monitoring anything that could be a threat, but my son is only seven years old. He doesn’t understand about the rash of school shootings or any of the terrible atrocities that have taken place in schools around the country.
My son is a sweet little kid, he’s respectful and polite for his age and he gets along with everyone. I thought it was a little silly for my son to be in trouble for such an innocent act. It should have been a good teaching opportunity for whichever teacher saw him do it. At some point we have to let kids be kids. I can remember as a kid playing war in the woods, we even used to shoot each other with BB-guns. Now I wouldn’t necessarily support that now...BUT...
I turned out fine ….
I wish that the school simply could have told him to stop instead of making this into a disciplinary issue.
On to the news: So I have some news that you’ve probably seen posted around on facebook or even the front page here. My novel “Wormwood” is currently slated to launch in mid-May. I also have entered the novel into Amazon’s Breakthrough Novel Awards which has a grand prize of a $50,000 contract. “Wormwood” was one of the novels chosen to advance to round two. In other news I have a new short story which should be available on Amazon this weekend. My first two stories have been on and off the bestseller list for the category of short horror stories. If you've downloaded any of the stories I would really, really appreciate it if you could post an Amazon review.
The Megapods podcast will be premiering on April 1st and you guys won’t believe the amazing guests we have been getting!
I'm also starting a little blog segment called Horror Question of the Day. So today's question is: If you really had to get rid of a body what's the most creative way you can think of to dispose of it?