My first subject is insanity and how it makes it’s mark on fiction. Some of the best characters especially in horror are completely batshit. Think about all the crazy killers, I think it also takes a little bit of insanity to create these works. I think the loss of mental stability makes for a scary villain because it’s possible. We’ve all known someone that’s completely insane so the leap from crazy to crazy murderer isn’t that far.
That brings me to my next subject Infection. I touched on this a little in my post about Flesh eating Bacteria, but one of my favorite post-apocalyptic scenarios is infection. I especially like infection that make people insane. 28 days later and the rage virus is a good example of this as is I Am Legend (both the movie and book) and The Crazies.
Again I think Infection is so scary because it’s based in reality. We’ve all been sick, we’ve seen how easy a simple cold can spread. The idea of a disease that causes people to go crazy and attack one another somehow seems possible.
News: Tomorrow The Megapods will be at the Pax East convention in Boston. If you are going come see us we’ll be doing some recording and giveaways.
Horror Question of the Day: What's your favorite Apocalyptic scenario?