If you’ve been following my blog you have read about my exploits as an amateur ghost hunter. Today I would like to take a somewhat different approach to the topic of ghosts. Why do we love ghosts and the idea of the paranormal in general? The easy answer is that we want to believe that there’s something beyond death. Death scares us and as humans we like things that affect us and make us feel vulnerable, at least people who like horror do.
So now we have ghost hunter TV shows, ghost stories, scary movies etc. etc. It’s more popular than ever. Part of it is the same reason we love to search for Bigfoot or want to believe in aliens. We simply want to discover something that hasn’t been discovered, we want to believe that there’s something bigger out there. Ghosts give us room to dream even if those dreams become nightmares.
So what are some of the scariest ghosts you can think of in fiction? For me it always goes back to Stephen King and more specifically to Stanley Kubrick’s representation of the King classic “The Shining.” Those two twin girls always creep me out. I think it’s something about children as ghosts that’s even more freaky.
I also think the real life stuff or at least the videos and recordings that are done well to represent real life are pretty creepy. I have spent countless hours on the sketchy side of Youtube watching reported ghost videos, listening to recordings and watching re-enactments. Some are complete crap and some are actually well done, either real or really elaborate hoaxes.
So my Horror Question of the Day is gonna stick with the above two questions: Why do you love ghosts and the idea of the paranormal in general? and what are some of the scariest ghosts you can think of in fiction?
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