Hunters from far and wide came to Tasmania and started killing the Tassie Tigers. They hunted, trapped and poisoned the animal, before long there were few left in the wild. The video below is of the last one left in captivity in 1933. It’s really a shame that this species was wiped out because of greed and that they didn’t realize in time that they had pushed the animal to extinction.
I would like to believe that mother nature is resilient that a small population of these incredible animals has survived in the thick Tasmanian bush or in the high elevations of northwest Tasmania, the Tasmanian Tiger exists But… I also know that man is the most efficient killing machine that has ever walked this planet. Just look at our oceans to find evidence of that.
Again this is something that I want to believe. I like the idea that we don’t know everything, especially when it comes to nature. I fell in love with this creature after watching the "Howling III" It may have been the only good thing to ever have come out of that movie.
So the Horror Question of the Day today isn’t really about Horror unless you believe in the Tasmanian Werewolf-er-tiger… My question is: Do you believe that the Thylacine still exists?