So we have another installment of our author guest blog. Today is B.P. Broome an up and coming author who has his novel available at Smashwords and Amazon.
Hope you enjoy,
The More Things Change, The More They Remain The Same
I completed the first draft of my first post-apocalyptic novel, A World Gone Gray, way back in 2007. Like most writers, I planned on setting the initial draft aside for a month or so to: a) distance myself from the work in the hopes of bringing a fresh eye to the editing process, and b) write other stuff. Then life happened.
I finally got around to editing AWGG in mid-2008, just as America’s presidential race was beginning to heat up. The main antagonist (aside from magma and tectonic plates) in the novel is a corporate raider named Howard Garner. When society collapses, he takes it upon himself to assemble a young, impressionable group of frightened survivors and turn them into a mindless fighting machine willing to do his every bidding, no matter the reason or the risk. Not surprisingly, mid-2008 me drew a few parallels between Mr. Garner and the guy who was preparing to leave the White House and retire to his ranch in Texas.
I spent most of 2008 and 2009 sending query letters to just about any literary agent vaguely familiar with the sci-fi and thriller genres. Though I had a few partial requests, nothing came of them. In the meantime, life happened again, and A World Gone Gray was relegated to the back burner.
Flash-forward to 2012. Our humble author has finally gotten his shit together, and he’s established roots in the heart of the Midwest. He blows the dust off his ancient manuscript and dives full-bore into editing it again. Along the way, he notices eerie parallels between the bad guy in his novel (Howard Garner), and the guy currently occupying the White House. Both are incredibly charismatic, both have a deep-seated urge to reach the highest stations in life regardless of the cost to those around them, and both are woefully unqualified to hold the position they hold.
Both A World Gone Gray and my second novel, Signal Fire, were written long before I’d heard of the prepper movement. Though there are some prepper elements in each novel, I left most of my characters to deal with the sudden changes in society with nothing but the shirts on their backs. Thankfully, they’re bright enough to know that they can’t rely on random smiling guys in suits to lead them when the fecal matter makes contact with the oscillating cooling mechanism. When all is said and done, I think they’ll be okay.
B.P. Broome writes fiction in Indiana when he isn’t at work paying his bills. His post-apocalyptic novel, A World Gone Gray, is available at Amazon ( and Smashwords, as is his short story collection ( His second novel, Signal Fire, will be released on March 4, 2014. He blogs at:
Hope you enjoy,
The More Things Change, The More They Remain The Same
I completed the first draft of my first post-apocalyptic novel, A World Gone Gray, way back in 2007. Like most writers, I planned on setting the initial draft aside for a month or so to: a) distance myself from the work in the hopes of bringing a fresh eye to the editing process, and b) write other stuff. Then life happened.
I finally got around to editing AWGG in mid-2008, just as America’s presidential race was beginning to heat up. The main antagonist (aside from magma and tectonic plates) in the novel is a corporate raider named Howard Garner. When society collapses, he takes it upon himself to assemble a young, impressionable group of frightened survivors and turn them into a mindless fighting machine willing to do his every bidding, no matter the reason or the risk. Not surprisingly, mid-2008 me drew a few parallels between Mr. Garner and the guy who was preparing to leave the White House and retire to his ranch in Texas.
I spent most of 2008 and 2009 sending query letters to just about any literary agent vaguely familiar with the sci-fi and thriller genres. Though I had a few partial requests, nothing came of them. In the meantime, life happened again, and A World Gone Gray was relegated to the back burner.
Flash-forward to 2012. Our humble author has finally gotten his shit together, and he’s established roots in the heart of the Midwest. He blows the dust off his ancient manuscript and dives full-bore into editing it again. Along the way, he notices eerie parallels between the bad guy in his novel (Howard Garner), and the guy currently occupying the White House. Both are incredibly charismatic, both have a deep-seated urge to reach the highest stations in life regardless of the cost to those around them, and both are woefully unqualified to hold the position they hold.
Both A World Gone Gray and my second novel, Signal Fire, were written long before I’d heard of the prepper movement. Though there are some prepper elements in each novel, I left most of my characters to deal with the sudden changes in society with nothing but the shirts on their backs. Thankfully, they’re bright enough to know that they can’t rely on random smiling guys in suits to lead them when the fecal matter makes contact with the oscillating cooling mechanism. When all is said and done, I think they’ll be okay.
B.P. Broome writes fiction in Indiana when he isn’t at work paying his bills. His post-apocalyptic novel, A World Gone Gray, is available at Amazon ( and Smashwords, as is his short story collection ( His second novel, Signal Fire, will be released on March 4, 2014. He blogs at: